Stop Fraud on the Internet by Recognizing an Official Agency Via Phone, Email, Text Message WhatsApp or Telegram

    Stop Fraud on the Internet by Recognizing an Official Agency Via Phone, Email, Text Message WhatsApp or Telegram

    JAKARTA - We have to stop fraudulent businesses on the internet "stop fraud on the Internet by claiming to be an official institution via Telephone, Email, WhatsApp or Telegram Text Messages, for example: invitations with the promise of big profits for Crypto Currency Business Capital, Realestate and Stocks.

    Yes, because fraud is like the culinary business, because it will never die as long as there are still people who are hungry and thirsty, then the culinary business will continue to be needed, and so will fraud.

    This was what Nasafi Pramunuha said when he was a speaker for the Ministry of Communication and Information at an Online Seminar together with the People's Representative Council (DPR) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) with the Digital Literacy Theme "Stop Fraud on the Internet". Jakarta (26/02/2024).

    He said that several modes of digital fraud include: under the guise of gifts, sending links, buying and selling fraud, through fake websites, and fraud under the guise of family.

    Apart from that, there is also a mode of fraud in the form of phishing, the characteristics of which are carried out by individuals who claim to be from official institutions by telephone, email and text messages such as WhatsApp and Telegram.

    Sometimes, even though we often communicate via WhatsApp, if we are tricked, WhatsApp is blocked. "Don't just enter data into random links, because once we have sent it, the data cannot be withdrawn again "he said".

    In the same place, Kharis mentioned that fraudsters sometimes use certain languages ​​that make their victims comfortable communicating with them, so that in the end it is easier to be deceived.

    He also reminded us not to be curious about unknown links. "We should not easily trust other people, " he said.

    The seminar continued with remarks by Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, B.Sc., as Director General of Applications and Informatics (APTIKA) of the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information via a video display.

    In the video, he, who is familiarly called Mr. Semmy, explains that entering 2024, the realization of an Indonesia Digital Nation remains one of the main priorities in realizing an increasingly digital and advanced Indonesia.

    Therefore, the Ministry of Communication and Information, through the Director General of APTIKA, continues to be committed to carrying out various initiatives and programs to increase digital literacy.

    He said that digital transformation efforts need to continue to be carried out to encourage progress in the nation's economy and open up various opportunities for the Indonesian people, considering that current developments in digital technology have changed the way we work, try and live our daily lives.

    "On this basis, we are encouraged to increase digital awareness, knowledge and skills aimed at three sectors, namely the general public, government and education, through various digital literacy programs "he said".

    Muhammad Al Husaini, S.Kom., M.M. In his presentation, he mentioned the types of fraud that usually occur, namely phishing, malware, scams, and other methods. Many frauds occur under the guise of gifts.

    "Fraud against women is different from fraud against men, the difference is that in women, fraudsters prioritize the emotional side, while in men, they prioritize the logical side "he said",

    According to Husaini, there are several media for fraud on the internet, such as cellular networks (SMS/telephone), electronic mail, social media, marketplaces, chat applications, games, websites and electronic wallets.

    To identify fraud, we must always be alert to attractive offers, to prove it, check the URL address carefully before opening the link, do research about the company or organization offering something, never give money or personal information to unknown people, never open attachments from unknown sources, and use common sense and don't easily believe what you see on the internet "it says".

    There are four resource persons who are qualified in their fields as speakers, namely Mr. Dr. H. Abdul Kharis Almasyhari who is Deputy Chairman of Commission I DPR RI, Mr. Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, B.Sc., as Director General of Information Applications (APTIKA) Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Muhammad Al Husaini, S.Kom., M.M., who is a Business Analyst Specialist, and Mr Nasafi Pramunuha as Head of Marketing & Digital LAZNAS Bakrie Amanah. (Resky P)

    Anton Atong Sugandhi

    Anton Atong Sugandhi

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