Slanted Comments regarding the Implementation of Pan Asia Hash, This is the Response of the Pedicab Driver and the Chairperson of the LPNU Pangandaran Regency

    Slanted Comments regarding the Implementation of Pan Asia Hash, This is the Response of the Pedicab Driver and the Chairperson of the LPNU Pangandaran Regency

    PANGANDARAN WEST JAVA INDONESIA - Responding to various comments regarding the implementation of the Pan Asia Hash, the Chairperson of the Pangandaran Regency LPNU, Iwan Sofa and Jajang Tukang Beca said, as Muslims we agree that alcohol is haram and agree that all Muslim communities need to protect themselves from the dangers of alcohol. 

    However, said Iwan Sofa, in the context of a state within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, of course, with religious differences in it, it requires a tolerant spirit in dealing with various problems and mutual tolerance by giving space to one another. 

    "Not all religions forbid alcohol, so the government should provide space without discrediting other religious groups or religions, " said Iwan to journalists Indonesiasatu, by telephone. (09/10/2022).

    The venue is isolated and localized only around the Villa Allur area with very tight security by the parties. security. Although there are activities in Karangnini, Karapyak, Cagaralam and Green Canyon, the Pan Asia Hash group only carries out healthy sports activities, namely long runs and soft runs, " said Iwan. 

    According to Iwan, Pangandaran Regency has a vision of world-class tourism, in which the local government is naturally present to make the event a success with the aim of promoting tourism to the world.

    Since Covid-19 pandemic, we rickshaw drivers have found it difficult to support our  families. With the existence of PAH activities in Pangandaran, thank God, we can have income. 

    We can take PAH guests around the west coast and east coast sometimes to the nature reserve gate for a fee of around Rp 100, 000. In one day we can withdraw five times....yes, it's pretty good per day we get an average of Rp 500, 000, - and sometimes someone gives a tip, " said Jajang.

    Regarding the issue of cultivating LGBT, I think it's a big mistake...yes, because I myself attracted members of Pan Asia Has from Malaysia, they are men wearing bikinis and women's long dresses. When I called the madam to them, smiling they said "sorry, I'm neither female nor LGBT, I'm 100% pure male. 

    We dress women like this just for fun, this is the woman sitting next to me, she is my wife. "Yes, he's my husband, he's 100% male, not LGBT, we are just celebrating the anniversary of Pangandaran district, " explained his wife.

    The Pan Asia Hash area where the venue is also localized only around the Villa Allur area, although there are activities outside Villa Allur, such as at the Karangnini tourism object, Karapyak, Cagaralam and Green Canyon, it's only for sports activities such as long runs and soft runs, basically just doing sports while traveling.

    While the activities are "rah-rah" or parties, these are only carried out around Villa Allur and are only attended by the participants. The general public is not allowed to enter the Pan Asia Hash activity area, because all these activities are carried out by the Pan Asia Has community in which each member is fitted with a special bracelet as a sign of being a Pan Has member only. 

    "Essentially, anyone who does not have a bracelet sign for a PAH member, as well as a sign as a committee member cannot enter the activity area, which is on the east and west roads of Villa Alur being closely guarded by dozens of police, soldiers, Satpol PP as well as Guards.

    While the Pangandaran Regency Government is not specifically involved in this activity...yes, because this PAH activity is only included in the 10th Anniversary of the 10th Anniversary of Pangandaran Regency. 

    In the implementation of this PAH, the local government only provides facilities for security, cleanliness, health, vehicle arrangement and place facilities for the location of sports activities, long runs and soft runs.

    The Pangandaran Regency Government also did not spend a dime for this PAH activity, because all the costs of this implementation were financed by Pan Asia Has Members which were managed by the Grand Pangandaran company as the initiator of Pan Asia Has.   (Anton AS)

    pangandaran westjava indonesia
    Anton Atong Sugandhi

    Anton Atong Sugandhi

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